Social Capital


Social Capital Development (SCD) teams play a proactive and engaging role in mobilizing communities to identify their needs and find solutions to their problems. Embracing the right-based approach, HDF strives to develop self-sustained communities.

The process of social mobilization seeks to develop communities through building and strengthening local institutions as well as alliances formed on the basis of shared values, norms, vision and mutual cooperation. We facilitate institution building from the grassroot level up.

The UNDP Human
Development Report 2013 has
ranked Pakistan at 146th out of 187 countries on the Human Development Index ranking.
22% of female workers are concentrated in the category of ``unskilled workers” compared to 18% of male workers, which has a significant impact on youth employment.
HDF has institutionalized specialised technical, vocational education and training, and capacity building to fill the skill gap in Pakistan.
It is widely argued by disaster experts that knowledge, information and training make a community more resilient against the consequences of hazards.

Donate to Development

or more to train 10 participants
in community management

Overall Beneficiary Population
Organized & Empowered Community Based Organizations
Participants Trained in Disaster Risk Management Skills
Participants Trained in Community Management Skills

Nothing Is impossible to a
Determined Woman